CEROS - Contrats en cours

Projets scientifiques

Le CEROS élabore des projets scientifiques en partenariat avec :
  •  des entreprises
  • des agences publiques (ANR, ANRT…)
  • d’autres laboratoires de recherche
Certains de ces projets sont financés, partiellement ou en totalité, par nos partenaires.

Par ailleurs, des thèses de doctorat dirigées au CEROS sont élaborées dans le cadre de conventions CIFRE, avec des entreprises.


Le projet ANR - MULTi-Eco-Innov en bref
L’amélioration de l’efficacité environnementale des activités économiques passe premièrement par la conception de biens plus durables, recyclables mais aussi upgradables (multi-cycles de vie), et deuxièmement par la mise en œuvre de leur usage partagé (multi-utilisateurs) afin d’éviter une sous-utilisation et un gaspillage des ressources et corollairement espérer a priori un moindre coût global. Si la piste de l’upgradabilité et du partage paraît prometteuse du point de vue écologique, la question de sa viabilité économique et de son acceptation sociale est loin d’être résolue. Elle devient un enjeu majeur au moment même où la crise sanitaire mondiale à l’origine d’une grave crise économique renforce le besoin de proposer des solutions industrielles pour relancer l’économie, ceci sans abandonner les efforts menés jusqu’alors dans le domaine environnemental. Comment alors assurer la viabilité économique et environnementale et la pérennisation de systèmes multi-cycles de vie et partagés ?

Le projet MULTi-Eco-Innov a pour ambition l’exploration et la qualification des synergies entre écoconception de produits upgradables et partage des usages. Il s’attachera à la conception de produits upgradables et partagés (les « systèmes MULTi »), mais aussi à la formalisation des modèles d’affaires ou business models liés à une telle offre et aux transformations des relations sociales à l’œuvre au sein de diverses parties prenantes dans le partage et autour de l’upgradabilité fonctionnelle des objets.

Fiche d’identité du projet :

Les membres de l’équipe ANR MULti-Eco-Innov :

Cordonnateur : CEROS (Nanterre)
Catherine KUSZLA (porteur du projet)
Béatrice BELLINI

Partenaires :

COSMER (Toulon)
Dominique MILLET
Olivier PIALOT

CERGAM (Aix-en-Provence)
Nathalie RICHEBE


The current trend of intensive innovation brings products with accelerated obsolescence to the market, with a logic of selling more and more, increasing the rate of exploitation of materials or energies and the emission of pollutants. It is necessary to imagine new and more sustainable modes of consumption and production in order to break this negative spiral of waste.

The aim of this research program is to provide:
• An environmental innovation with a strong impact reduction, of the order of Factor 4, with a maximization of the use of the material over time while satisfying the expected uses,
• A social and economic viability of the mode of consumption associated with the eco-innovative system (including eco-innovation, associated services, mode of sale, producer organization, etc.) and over time (phases of emergence, adoption and sustainability),
• A design approach coordinating environmental, social and economic challenges, with elements / bricks that are understandable and operable for industrial designers and decision-makers.

The MULTi project proposes to design upgradable (MULTi integrations of functional improvements) and eco-shareable systems (MULTi users supported towards an eco-use), and thus to make the best use of the material extracted and shaped over time by maximizing the number of operating cycles of any product. For systems with a low or rare intensity of use, and there are many, they would be shared among several users, with attention paid to eco-use to avoid usage drifts generating overconsumption and degradations harmful to the lifetime of the system. For products with wear and obsolescence problems, their operating time would be extended by making these systems adaptable / upgradeable / flexible via the integration of new modules incorporating or not functional improvements or upgrades.
These MULTi systems, with their associated services for sharing and upgradability, therefore define a new mode of consumption that requires a new kind of business model: defined as a business strategy tool, it must be designed in connection with the control and the management of consumption operational process to ensure the emergence-adoption and sustainability path of these MULTi systems. The MULTi program claims that this work of redefining the drivers of the economic viability must be extended to obtaining social sustainability, that is to say, it is necessary to rethink the networks of stakeholders (business side, consumer side), their relationships, their intermediation devices and their motivations which go beyond conventional commercial exchange.

To seriously address these multiple issues, the consortium of this project stands out by the multidisciplinary nature of its members, combining the knowledge / skills / methodologies and points of view of technologists and managers on the business, marketing or financial aspects and on the social science aspects with the study of the relationships between stakeholders. The final deliverable will take the form of a methodological guide for the design of MULTi systems (product, service, business model, social sustainability), multidisciplinary therefore and which is intended to be operated by a design team. Intermediate objects will be developed and used as a medium between disciplines in the project and will ultimately serve as an intermediate phase of the design in the guide, which will be available for free access on the web.

Projet Erasmus + Vrailexia

Les projets Erasmus plus ne sont pas des projets de recherche, mais nous y avons réutilisé des résultats du projet Schopper car les technologies utilisées sont les mêmes ; Intelligence Artificielle et Réalité Virtuelle. Cette réutilisation va faire l’objet de publications  notamment sur la question de l’explicabilité et de la confiance accordé aux résultats de l’IA. Bernard Quinio et chef de projet et il travaille avec Antoine Harfouche.

Team members:
•          CEROS MIL: QUINIO Bernard, JAILLOT Marc, GAUTIER Eric
•          EMLV: DU Jingshu, TRAN Thi Thanh Huong, KADDOURI Ouiam

Building upon the current literature, our research aims to explore how and under what conditions innovations are transferred from the creativity zone to the stability zone across different types of organizations. Specifically, our study investigates under what circumstances firms make false positive and/or false-negative judgements about their innovative projects, and how to effectively navigate the firm to reach a healthy balance between creativity and stability.

Project with EMLV : How to Overcome Resistance to Conversational Agents? A Multi-Method Approach Applied in two Contexts: Luxury and Online Therapeutic Social Support
Team members:
•          CEROS MIL: Zied Mani, Nathalie Veg-Sala
•          EMLV: Hajer Kefi, Insaf Khelladi

Building on the previous approach and in order to address the call for further the research on Human-VCAs Relationships (Skjuve et al., 2021), our study is aimed at identifying the factors of users’ resistance to these devices, such as interaction attitudes, trust, or perceived interactivity (Chattaraman et al. 2019; De Cicco et al., 2020). Two different sectors will be investigated (luxury and therapeutic social support) from the point of view of different categories of users (digital natives vs. digital immigrants, males vs. females), while emphasizing different human-VCA interaction contexts.

Projet européen H2020 « NO FEAR » 2018-2023

Geneviève Musca, membre associé du Projet européen H2020 « NO FEAR » 2018-2023 
Dans le cadre du call Horizon 2020 de l’Union Européenne «Secure Societies», le projet NO FEAR rassemble 12 pays et 18 partenaires. Il vise à développer des réseaux de praticiens et à renforcer la coopération dans le domaine des systèmes médicaux d’urgence (EMS) dans des contextes de « sécurité » (crises sanitaires, guerres, attaques terroristes, catastrophes…).

Mis à jour le 21 octobre 2022