CEROS - Publications scientifiques et académiques - Corporate finance - 2020
Publications 2020
- Folus D., Casal Ribeiro P., Lepoivre B., Roumiguié A., 2020, « L’assurance et la protection financière de l’agriculture », Annales des Mines – Réalités industrielles, p. 30-38.
- Bouhakkou L., Coën A. and Folus D., « A portfolio approach to the optimal mix of funded and unfunded pensions », Applied Economics, 2020, vol. 52, issue 16, 1733-1744. (HCERES # A)
- Depoers, F., Guizani, A., & Lakhal, F., 2020, Contrôle familial, conseil d’administration et risque de chute du cours d’action : le cas des entreprises françaises. Management Avenir, (vol. 5), 109-129.
- Randerson, K., Seaman, C., Daspit, J., Barredy, C., 2020, Institutional influences on entrepreneurial behaviours in the family Entrepreneurship context: towards an integrative framework, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, (Guest Editorial Article), (FNEGE 3).
- Depoers F., Jérôme T., (2020) « Coercive, normative, and mimetic isomorphisms as drivers of corporate tax disclosure: The case of the tax reconciliation, Journal of applied accounting research (HCERES B; FNEGE 2). Journal of Applied Accounting Research, vol. 21 issue 1, p 90-105
Mis à jour le 18 septembre 2023