CEROS - Publications scientifiques et académiques - Organisations et processus - 2021
Publications 2021
- Arndt A., Poujol F.J et Siadou-Martin B., 2021, "Retail disturbances: How should employees respond?", European Journal of Marketing, 55, 6, p.1701-1723. FNEGE 3; HCERES B.
- Bensebaa F., 2021, Comportement concurrentiel des entrepreneurs du secteur des services traditionnels, Revue de l’entrepreneuriat, 4, vol. 20, p.73-100. En collaboration avec Fabien Eymas.
- Bensebaa F., 2021, Petits distributeurs indépendants : de l’évitement à l’indifférence concurrentielle, Finance, Contrôle, stratégie, 24-3, mis en ligne le mis en ligne le 15 septembre 2021, URL : http://journals.openedition.org/fcs/8258. En collaboration avec Fabien Eymas.
- Bensebaa F., 2021, Competitive strategies of small independent retailers, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2021, vol.49, Issue 8, 1232-1245. En collaboration avec Fabien Eymas. 2021. Need for touch and emotional states of online shoppers: Promising interaction and possible effects on consumer decision making”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution management. En collaboration Lili Zheng.
- Basly, S. (2021). "The influence of family members' identification with the firm on international diversification: the moderating role of exploration and exploitation". Management International (HCERES A).
- Bouamama, M., Basly, S., Zian. H. (2021). “How do contingency factors influence the content of Balanced Scorecards? An empirical study of French Intermediate-Sized Enterprises”. Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Vol. 17, n°3, pp.373-393 (HCERES C).
- Rakiz, A., Absi, N., Fenies,P., "An integrated production and direct shipment problem in a mining industry", IJPR (International Journal of Production Research), 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2021.1998699
- Moffat, É. (2021). Validation of a short version of the scale of satisfaction with the work environment (ÉSET-24). Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Series VII: Social Sciences and Law, 14(1), 19-26. https://doi.org/10.31926/but.ssl.2021.
Mis à jour le 15 octobre 2024